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Soluciones Tecnológicas Satelitales
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Somos especialistas en Telecomunicaciones con amplia experiencia en Comunicación Satelital

10 años líderes

10 años líderes en conectividad

Ofrecemos el mejor servicio de conectividad de banda ancha al sector empresarial.

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50 profesionales a su servicio

50 profesionales a su servicio

Todo nuestro equipo de profesionales se encuentra a su disposición para brindarle el mejor servicio.

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Stock disponible de inmediato

Stock disponible de inmediato

Contamos con stock permanente para atender sus solicitudes de productos inmediatamente.

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Industrias con las que trabajamos

Pesca comercial
y deportiva

Study popular tourism destinations and improve your sales skills to successfully advise your clients on the best travel options.

y Petroleo

We consider all the drivers of change – from the ground up and we’ll motivate and support you to make the change.

y Logística

Design repeatable growth models and innovation pipelines that generate new products with higher potential and lower risks of failure.

Ingeniería y
Gran Construcción

We work buy-side and sell-side and give our clients hard-hitting and objective answers and focus hard on the best opportunities.

Energía y
Medio Ambiente

We work across all the major construction geographies and end sectors, meaning we understand the underlying drivers in construction markets.

Aeronáutica y

Scheduled transport operations, from broad market trends and strategy to the development of integrated commercial strategies.

Liderando la conectividad a través
de la Comunicación Satelital


Empresas atendidas


Puntos de interconexión


SKU disponibles


Clientes satisfechos

Hablan nuestros clientes

Ayudamos a las empresas a prevenir problemas de conectividad
antes de que éstos sucedan.

El blog de XNS

  • Instalación de Postes SOS Satelitales

    Supported by a robust sales force and tight cost controls, Pharm Ltd. experienced sustained double-digit growth over a number of years, only to find that their supply chain struggled to keep pace.

  • Llave en mano cableado estructurado y cámaras

    Many businesses, large and small, have a huge source of great ideas that can help them improve, innovate, and grow, and yet so many of these companies never think of using this amazing corporate asset. What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people.

  • Stand Raid de Ica demostración de equipos satelitales

    Says Morgan Fraud, the author of The Thinking Corporation, “Given that we are all capable of contributing new ideas, the question becomes how do you successfully generate, capture, process and implement ideas?” Becoming an organization capable of answering this question can benefit in a number of ways

  • XNS presente en los deportes extremos

    Growth through innovation/creativity. Rather than be constrained by ideas for new products, services and new markets coming from just a few people, a Thinking Corporation can tap into the employees.

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